“The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” (Psalm 12:6) Seven in the Bible is a number that often denotes perfection and completion. The goal is to encourage our minds to a higher plane than our human reasoning and and see how the risen Lord Jesus thinks about things as revealed in His Word, the Holy Scriptures.

Go Search The Tomb

Go, and search the tomb of Jesus,
     Where the Lord of glory lay;
Jesus is not there, but risen,
     And has borne our sins away,
It is finished!
     Captive led captivity.

Could not all our sins retain Him,
     Prisoned in the guarded cave?
These He blotted out in dying,
     By His cross He spoiled the grave:
Lo! He’s risen!
     Yes, the Lord is risen indeed.

STEM Publishing : hymns : Hymns for the Little Flock (1881)